Triad Jacksonville Office Offers Children's Home Society Charity Donation
December 10, 2015

For the past several years, the Triad Jacksonville office has collected money for the Children's Home Society here in town. A while back we identified a need specifically for the non-sponsored teens as many, many of them ended up with none of the 3 things from their wish list. So every year we have bought everything from sleeping bags to basketballs, to hair straighteners and DVD players, underwear, bath sets, on and on.
This year the Triad Jacksonville office raised $2,305. It took Amy McCall, Personal Assistant to the CEO, 5 trips to the register and 6 hours to spend the funds in the best way possible so that we may reach as many kids as possible. On 4th trip McCall called Ms Lenny at the Children's Home Society and said, "I have $600 left. Tell me what these kids desperately want." And Lenny said bedding. McCall went back and was able to purchase full bedding (sheet sets, comforters, blankets etc) for 10 twin beds. When McCall got to the register, she STILL had $121 remaining!
McCall told the cashier that she had never bought the kids gift cards and she didn't like doing it. She instructed the cashier to put the last $120 on six different cards at $20 each. McCall delivered the gifts today and the workers were overwhelmed! She told Ms Lenny that she also had six $20 gift cards for her and that we hoped they could use them. Lenny said, "Oh! We have teen mothers in our group home that get gift cards every year, but the sponsor hasn't called us yet...and guess how many moms we have? You guessed it, six." She was beyond excited!
We are so proud to be a part of this company and to represent good people that give back to their community every chance they can.
Happy Holidays to all!