A standard homeowners insurance policy is a form of insurance that provides protection against potential financial losses resulting from damage to the home itself, other structures on the property...
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Manufactured Housing News
Nowadays, credit unions are just as convenient, accessible, and safe as banks. But in order to compete effectively in the lending market, credit unions need to expand their revenue opportunities. One...
A manufactured home can be classified in two ways: as personal property or as real property. The way a manufactured home is classified may seem unimportant or irrelevant at first glance. However, it...
Optimizing the profitability of a loan portfolio is one of the most challenging portfolio management tasks. Although diversification can have a positive overall effect on loan portfolios,...
In the world of manufactured home lending, teaming up with the perfect lending partner delivers one of the components your credit union can tap into to succeed.
As a series of factors have...
When looking for manufactured homeowners insurance, most homeowners have one goal in mind: to find a policy that provides the best protection in case of a disaster. To help you get adequate...