President Trump Announces Nominee for HUD Deputy Secretary
October 11, 2019

**Photo Source- Wikipedia
Triad Financial Services plays an active role in supporting the organization, Manufactured Housing Industry (MHI). As an active member we were pleased to hear that on October 8, 2019, MHI announced that President Trump nominated Brian Montgomery as HUD Deputy Secretary. The manufactured housing industry is quite pleased to hear this.
Montgomery will be serving under HUD Secretary Carson. He is currently serving as HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner. Moving Montgomery into this position will help move Carson’s agenda to help solve the crisis of affordable housing by increasing opportunities for families to obtain the American Dream of homeownership.
Montgomery has an extensive background in the manufactured housing industry. He is originally from the great state of Texas, where they have more than 20 manufactured housing plants, as well as being the second largest number of manufactured homes in the country! You could say that manufactured housing just might be in his blood. Montgomery has been a long-time supporter of our industry. His support for the industry has been demonstrated during his time as FHA Commissioner by the means of pushing the agenda to update the FHA Title I program for manufactured homes and loan limits as well as other much-needed regulations that our industry needs to be updated and addressed.
Along with serving as FHA commissioner, he has also served as Acting Deputy Secretary. During this time he has been a strong advocate for creating a regulatory environment that will motivate innovation and increase cost-effective construction for manufactured home builders.
Montgomery has been active by attending MHI’s legislative fly-in every year. During this event, MHI along with other MHI members meet with government officials to discuss the importance of HUD activating a comprehensive review of its regulations for our industry. Members of the MHI community were grateful for Montgomery’s acknowledgment of how important it is for officials to work through the decade long HUD backlog of updates to the Construction and Safety Standards that have been completed by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee.
MHI members are pleased to work with officials that are working diligently to help the manufactured housing communities assist more Americans to achieve the dream of homeownership. We look forward to hearing more about positive moves for the manufactured housing community in their goals for providing affordable housing for everyone.