Ready to Buy a Manufactured Home? Tips to Know
July 12, 2019

If you've come around to the idea of purchasing a manufactured home, you may be surprised to see just how many ready to buy models are currently available in your area. This makes the shopping process very simple, but there are still a few things you should know before you commit to buy. Here's what you need to ask before you make an offer on the display house you just walked through.
Compare Retailers
When it comes to choosing the right model of home to place on your land, you have plenty of options at your disposal. You can narrow your search down by selecting a square footage range and a minimum number of bedrooms or bathrooms to satisfy your family's needs. However, not all homes are built the same. Make sure you check two or three different retailers to find the best floor plan for your family and even compare two different samples of the same model because each retailer might have selected a different set of cabinets, interior features or add-ons that are a better fit.
Ask about Delivery
Even sellers who have model homes on their lot may not be prepared to deliver a new home to you right away. The delivery process can take several weeks depending on whether or not your land has been professionally prepared, and other outside factors. In many cases, the model home is only a sample, but the retailer will actually order your home brand new from the manufacturer when you make your down payment. Thus, it can take 6-8 weeks before delivery. The exception to this rule is if you are buying a pre existing model from the previous year, and they are eager to make room for newer models. In that case, the retailer may be willing to deliver sooner to get the older model off their lot. While you're discussing delivery details, make sure to verify any additional fees, insurance, warranties and other line items that end up on your bill. Some of them are optional, and some of them you can shop around for instead of taking their first offer.
Make Sure You Customize Your Home
Perhaps you've found a model home on a lot that you love, but you really like the kitchen sink or countertops from a home you saw elsewhere. The good news is that just about every feature of a manufactured home can be customized, inside and out. Model homes are set up to show you what the manufacturer is capable of, but not necessarily what makes the most sense. If you want to mix and match features that you've seen in different homes, speak to your representative, take pictures and notes, and let them know what you want. They can make it happen, and it usually doesn't take any additional time because each home is built to order. That's one of the best parts of ordering a manufactured home today. Also, decide on the appliances you want. Most model homes feature fancy stainless steel models, but you can typically find cheaper appliances if you shop around, and you won't have to roll them into the cost of your home.
There are plenty of ready to buy manufactured homes waiting for buyers like you. If you think you're ready to make the leap, do some visiting with local retailers in your area and tour a few model homes. You can get a good idea of what is available and what layouts you like best, as well as the price range for your desired home. Then all you have to do is contact your credit union or bank and start the loan process. For more information, contact Triad Financial Services today.